Highway Patrol / State Police Memorials - Featured by the Association of State Troopers, the site offers memorials for each state in the United States with photos, biographical information, cause of death and law enforcement agency they were affiliated with.

Jacksonville Fallen Officers - These men, these fallen officers, are not heroes because of how they died.  They are heroes because of how they lived.

Pinal County Sheriffs Office Memoriam - Features a list of those officers lost in the line of duty defending the citizens of Pinal County, Arizona.

White County - Officers killed in the line of duty.

Los Angeles Lest We Forget - Stories honoring LAPD Officers of the past who were killed in action.
Ontario Memorial Pages - Memorials to fallen officers.
Sacramento Fallen Officer Memorial - Dedicated to the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving to protect the citizens of Sacramento in the Sacramento PD.
Sacramento Memorial Page - Lost in the line of duty serving the Sacramento Sheriff's Office.
San Diego - In Memoriam of those who gave their lives - San Diego Sheriff's Office.
San Diego Fallen Heroes - Located at the San Diego Police Historical Association.
Santa Rosa Police Memorials - We honor our officers.

Hartford Killed In The Line of Duty - In memory of the fallen heroes of the Hartford Police Department.

Clay County Wall of Honor - Devoted to those who lost their lives in the line of duty while serving the people of Clay County, MT.  The Wall is located in Green Cove Springs.
Collier County - In Memory - A memorial dedicated to those who lost their life in the line of duty.
Fort Lauderdale Page of Honor - Dedicated to fallen officers of the Ft. Lauderdale Police Department.
Gainesville - Memorial to Officers Killed in the line of duty.
Palm Beach Fallen Heroes - Lost in the line of duty in the Palm Beach Sheriff's Office.
Pasco County In Memoriam - In memoriam of lost law enforcement officers in the Pasco County Sheriff's Office.
Riviera Beach Officer's Memorial - Honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Seminole County In Memoriam - A memorial to Seminole County Sheriff's Deputy Sheriff's Killed in the line of duty.
St. Lucie Memorial - Lists fallen heroes of the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office.
West Palm Beach Fallen Officers - Lists law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty serving the West Palm Beach PD.

Bulloch County - Officer Down Memorial Page - Devoted to fallen officers of Bulloch County, GA.
Laurens County Memorial Page - Dedicated to fallen officers in the Laurens County Sheriff's Department.
Richmond County Memorial - Devoted to law enforcement officers who lost their lives serving the citizens of Richmond County, GA.

Honolulu Police Department Roll of Honor - In memory of those police officers who through their dedicated and selfless efforts, sacrificed their lives in the protection of the rights, liberties and happiness of their community.

Idaho Police Officers Memorial - Blessed are the peacemakers.

Chicago Police Memorial Foundation - Dedicated to fallen officers in Chicago, IL.

Dearborn County Memorial - Saluting the heroes who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty for Dearborn County, IN.
Floyd County Sheriff's Memoriam - Dedication to fallen heroes that have honored the Floyd County Sheriff's Office.
Gibson County Fallen Officers - In honor of the fallen officers who served Gibson County, IN.
Johnson County In Memoriam - Line of Duty Deaths in the Johnson County Sheriff's Office.
Kosciusko County Memorial - In memoriam of those lose in the line of duty serving Kosciusko County, IN.
Marion County - In Memoriam to Marion County Fallen Officers.
Newton County- In Remembrance - Memorial to those who gave their lives serving the Newton County Sheriff's Office.
Porter County In Memory - Memorial to those killed in the line of duty or lost their lives while serving in the sheriff's office of Porter County, IN.

Cedar Rapids Fallen Officers - dedicated to the Cedar Rapids police officers who gave their lives serving the city and citizens of Cedar Rapids.


New Orleans Police - In Memoriam - In memoriam to those officers who lost their lives in the line of duty.

Lewiston Memorial - In memoriam.

Charles County Fallen Officers - All Gave Some and Some Gave All.

Bedford Police Department Fallen Officers - In Memory of our deceased members.
Holliston Police Memorial - Fallen Officers in the Holliston PD.
Lowell Police Department - Lowell police officers lost in the line of duty.
Whitman Memorials - Memorials in Whitman devoted to those lost in the police department, fire department and at war.

Southfield Police Memorial - Memorial to Fallen Officers in the City of Southfield, MI.

Douglas County In Memory - Fallen officers in Douglas County, MN.
Duluth Police Officers Memorial - Devoted to those who gave their lives while serving the citizens of Duluth, MN.


Arnold Fallen Officers - Fallen police officers in the City of Arnold, MO.
Independence Police Memorial - Devoted to police officers who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Jackson County Memoriam - Jackson County Sheriff's Office tribute to fallen officers.
Joplin Fallen Heroes - Joplin Police Department - those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Memorial to Fallen Officers - Focused on Fallen Officers in the Kansas City Missouri Police Department.

Great Falls Police Department Memorial Page - In remembrance of those officers who have passed away in the course of serving their community and department.

Lincoln Police Department- Officers killed in the line of duty defending the City of Lincoln, NE.

Las Vegas Memorial Page - Devoted to fallen officers of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

Bayonne Police Memorial - Fallen officers in the Bayonne, NJ police department.
East Orange Memorial Wall - Features a page devoted to East Orange police officers who lost their lives in the line of duty.  Includes newspaper articles with photos.
Lodi Police Department - Voto / Tedesco Memorial
North Bergen Fallen Officers - Features information and photos of officers lost in the line of duty serving the North Bergen Police Department.

Albany Police Officers Memorials - Albany police officers killed in the line of duty (KILD)
Schnectady Police - Fallen Officers in the Schenectady Police Department.

Clayton PD - Salute Our Heroes - Fallen officers in the Clayton police department.  We can never forget their sacrifice.
Columbus County In Memoriam - Columbus County line of duty deaths.
Dunn Police Memorial - The Officer Down Memorial Page at the Dunn PD.
Harnett County Fallen Officer - In memory of the fallen officers of the Harnett County Sheriffs Office.
Johnston County Memorial - In Memoriam of Johnston County Officers.
Winston - Salem Fallen Officers Memorial Page - Winston - Salem Police Deaths in the Line of Duty.

Clay County - In Memory
Grand Forks County - Line of Duty Deaths - Dedicated to those who gave all and lost their lives in the line of duty serving Grand Forks County, ND.

Lorain County Honor Roll of Heroes - Honoring the members of the Lorain County Sheriff's Office who have made the ultimate sacrifice in carrying out teir mission of keeping the people of the county safe from harm.

Enid Fallen Heroes - Fallen  heroes who died in the line of duty serving the Enid PD.

Moon Township Fallen Heroes - Fallen  heroes who died in the line of duty serving the Enid PD.
Philly Heroes - Remembering Philadelphia's fallen officers.

Abbeville Memorial Page - Fallen Officer Memorial page at the Abbeville County Sheriff's Office.
Anderson PD Fallen Officers - Remembering fallen officers of the Anderson SC Police Department.
Cayce DPS - In Memory of lost Public Safety Officers in Cayce, SC.
Charleston Police Memorial - Dedicated to the officers of Charleston, SC who have made the supreme sacrifice adn lost their lives in the line of duty.
Columbia Police Department - In Memory of the Law Enforcement Officers of the Columbia Police Department who dedicated and sacrificed their lives in the Line of Duty.
Greenville County Memorial - Page dedicated to providing family members and law enforcement officers a way to show the fallen brethren that WE WILL NOT FORGET.
Greenville Honor Roll - Blessed Are The Peacemakers For They Will Be Called Sons of God.

Horry County Police Fallen heroes - Dedicated to the officers of the Horry County Police Department who have died in the line of duty.
Lancaster Police Memorial - Features a list of heroes and a photo of the Lancaster County, SC Law Enforcement Officers Memorial monument.
Laurens County Memorial Page - A memorial to the lost officers of the Laurens County Sheriff's Office.
Lexington County In Memoriam - In Valor There Is Hope.  Lexington County officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the people of Lexington County, SC.
Richland County Sheriffs Memorial - In tribute to the lost officers of Richland County, SC.

South Dakota Law Enforcement Deaths - The South Dakota Fraternal Order of Police provides a memorial and list of SD law enforcement deaths.

Bradley County - Memorial to the fallen features information about those officers who lost their lives in the service of Bradley County, TN.
Bristol Memorials - In memory of fallen law enforcement officers long ago and in modern times in Bristol, TN.
Jefferson County Memorial Page - Devoted to those who gave their lives in the service of Jefferson County, TN.  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.
Memphis In Memoriam - Devoted to officers of the Memphis, TN Police Department who lost their lives while serving the city of Memphis.
Monroe County Fallen Officers - Features bios and photos of those who lost their lives serving the Monroe County Sheriff's Department.
Mt. Juliet Officer Memorial - In memory of those who lost their lives serving the Mt. Juliet, TN police department.
Nashville - In Memoriam of the brave Nashville law enforcement professionals who died in the line of duty in service to a grateful city.
Shelby County Fallen Officers - A tribute to those individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty while serving the people of Shelby County, TN.
Wilson County Fallen Officers - Dedicated to officers who lost their lives in the line of duty serving the Wilson County, TN Sheriff's Office.

Wise County - Officers killed in the line of duty.

Murray City - Devoted to fallen officers who served the Murray City Police Department.
Salt Lake City - In Memoriam.
Summit County - In Memoriam of fallen officers.
Utah's Fallen Officers - Large memorial site devoted to all fallen officers in the state of Utah.

Vermont Fallen Officers - Hosted by the Vermont Police Association and devoted to Vermont police heroes.
Vermont State Police Memorial - We will always remember!

Buena Vista - Fallen heroes of the Buena Vista Police Department.
Chesapeake Memorial - Memorial to those who fell in the line of duty serving the Chesapeake, VA Police Department.
Fauquier County Fallen Heroes - Features information about the fallen heroes of the Fauquier County Sheriff's Office.
Gloucester County Memorial (dead link Feb 2011)
Harrisonburg - Memorial Page features name, photos and information about fallen officers of the Harrisonburg Police Department.
Newport News - In Memory of the fallen officers of the Newport Police Department.
Roanoke Fallen Officers - Also includes a page devoted to the Roanoke Police Department's Fallen Officers Memorial.
Sussex County Memorial Page - Dedicated to the memory of those who fell in the line of duty of the Sussex County Sheriff's Office.
University of Virginia - In Memory of the fallen officers of the U. Va. Police Department.

Virginia Beach Memorial - Site created in honor of fallen, fellow officers and department members who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the performance of their duty.

Skamania County Memorial - A memorial to fallen officers in the Skamania County Sheriff's Office as well as links to other memorial sites.

Nicholas County Sheriff - In Memory of.

Kenosha - Remembered Officers of Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Laramie County Memorials - Lost in the line of duty while serving the Laramie County Sheriff's Office.